Sunday, May 31, 2020
Article Reviews Give Your Writing a Boost With a Article Critique
Article Reviews: Give Your Writing a Boost With an Article CritiqueAn article scrutinize is a key procedure in the creative cycle that can be utilized by even the most unpracticed author to give the essayist a lift in their article composing profession. What is a scrutinize and how can it work?By utilizing evaluates, the essayist can figure out how to improve their own articles. A scrutinize is a definite appraisal of an article and is normally long. An evaluate isn't intended to scrutinize the essayist's work; rather, it is intended to fill in as a guide to enable the author to improve their work.By bringing their own assessments and experience to the table, the author can make better, progressively amazing articles. The procedure is like criticism that is normally given to hopeful performers or other imaginative individuals. By tuning in to a pundit, the author can increase a bit of leeway. It very well may be valuable to record explicit scrutinizes that the author feels are missin g, and afterward utilize those contemplations as inspiration.How do you approach an evaluate? There are a few stages to take while making one. To start with, the author will compose the evaluate and attempt to recollect the particular focuses. This will assist the essayist with remembering what the individual in question is going to state during the article critique.Once the author has the study composed, the person in question can hear it out and pose inquiries. The reason for a scrutinize is to explain and carry clearness to the essayist's style. It is an extraordinary method to sharpen the essayist's skills.When directing a scrutinize, it is critical to listen cautiously to the author and gain from the composition. At the point when the author is learning an ability, it is critical to keep up a degree of modesty and understand that one might be discovering some new information. The procedure permits the essayist to be increasingly touchy to the style of the author and permits the author to be progressively associated with the article investigate. In the wake of hearing the author's viewpoint on the particular focuses, the essayist would then be able to choose whether or not the studies are useful. On the off chance that they are, the author can acknowledge the recommendations and make the essential changes to better the piece. By tuning in to the reactions, the essayist discovers that the person in question has defects can be corrected.Although article scrutinizes can be tedious, it is a decent route for the author to pick up information and help clean their composition. It is an opportunity to learn and furthermore to pick up understanding. A scrutinize gives a required lift to the essayist's abilities.
Friday, May 29, 2020
What Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes Is - and What it Is Not
<h1> What Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes Is - and What it Is Not</h1> <p>It isn't hard to track down that with are activities and truisms we need to execute feelings and contemplations! There are bunches of different things you may talk about in your generalizations paper as well. There are heaps of individuals that haven't any companions, since they are burnt out on their study. The Gardenburger advertizement might want to open the shoppers eyes to the dangers of categorizing. </p> <p>The working environment can shape some of the significant points of view about sexual orientation and it may offer extended encounters for individuals. In any case, the genuine circumstance doesn't leave a lot to look forward. To have the option to support everybody, there are styles of testing these generalizations paying little heed to somebody's sex personality or sex. Furthermore, there are recognitions concerning the conduct of individuals who recognize what are normal and what's not anticipated from individuals of a specific sexual orientation. </p> <h2> The 30-Second Trick for Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes</h2> <p>Naturally, it doesn't connote you will get a prepared arrangement for your paper. The paper isn't the least complex assignment to ace. Your diagram may turn into an extraordinary establishment for your paper program and subsequently its Contents part. In any case, start with composing a captivating presentation. </p> <p& gt;On a regular schedule, there's heaps of thing occurring in the present social orders. Portray the region of ladies in the current games and how this circumstance looked a hundred decades back. The alluring lady that is the subject of the promotion centers not around finding a person, yet rather sitting with her pals and hanging tight for him to procure a move. The show is incredibly cliché since I consider doing it. </p> <h2> Want to Know More About Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes? </h2> <p>Consequently, sexual orientation equity is an incredibly wide subject. This issue of sexual orientation is an extremely wide subject. In the present society, it implies far beyond it used to. Hence, the sexual orientation doesn't mean anything. </p> <h2> The New Fuss About Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes</h2> <p>We gathered two or three recommendations to assist you with making a great research paper about ladies and sexual orientation. Un til further notice, we should perceive how you can start composing a generalization article and that which you can talk about. </p> <p>It doesn't simply sums up the entire article yet likewise rehashes the key issues and proposition. For every single article, a postulation articulation is vital as it mirrors the key recommendations and the basic focuses. Exposition plot makes it conceivable to structure your work notwithstanding picking realities that help your key thoughts of the article. To start composing your task you would need to experience a fascinating and promising subject. </p> <p>If you connect with a solid scholarly composing organization, one of their prepared authors will gather a rundown of exceptional generalizations paper points in just a couple of hours. 1 driving issue almost the entirety of the understudies face in paper composing is building up an unrivaled theory explanation. Find the production here. </p> <h2> Most Noticeable Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes </h2> <p>Their commitment to both political and budgetary advancement is very huge. Fortunately, there's a little advancement on the issue. In most of countries in the Earth, the noteworthy issue we face is sexual orientation disparity. Discover more data about the activity. </p> <h2>The Unexposed Secret of Essay Topics on Gender Stereotypes </h2> <p>Communication and Gender look into papers analyze how ladies and men convey in the business climate. On the other side, ladies are just allowed to oversee low maintenance and easygoing occ upations. Right now, they can't be considered as the second rate being. Accordingly, they frequently do not have the fundamental aptitude and information with regards to sanitation, wellbeing, and diet. </p>
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Topics For a Process Analysis Essay
<h1>Topics For a Process Analysis Essay</h1><p>When composing a procedure investigation paper, it is imperative to design the themes well. This will assist you with having increasingly compelling ideas in your paper.</p><p></p><p>There are a few subjects that ought not be remembered for the procedure investigation. A few points incorporate quality, examination, procedures, and result measures. A few subjects are more pertinent in a task the board field than others.</p><p></p><p>One of the most well-known points for the exposition is characterizing the item. It is imperative to clarify your meaning of the item and to give models that help the definition. The models ought to be intelligent or identify with the procedure in some way.</p><p></p><p>Another significant point for a procedure investigation is the administration of the business procedure. Numerous organizations permit representatives to make a few areas of the business procedure as they see fit. This makes disarray, since everybody recognizes what the fundamental piece of the procedure is, yet they don't have the foggiest idea how to manage it. Help clear up the disarray by examining it in detail.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to basic subjects, there are different themes to consider also. These incorporate administration and the association of individuals. On the off chance that you are in another position or one that is totally different from what you are utilized to, you may need to take a gander at the viewpoints of others to more readily see how to deal with the issues.</p><p></p><p>Each process has alternate points of view on the best way to deal with it, which can make you concoct increasingly powerful methods of taking care of it. This is the reason it is essential to give models all the while so the peruser can perceive how they can all the more likely comprehend the procedure. At the point when you can tell the peruser the best way to all the more likely comprehend the procedure, it will assist you with getting progressively successful as an employee.</p><p></p><p>When composing a procedure investigation, it is critical to pick themes that are not about the task itself. A procedure examination can be composed by a task administrator, a worker, or a manager. There are numerous points that are not legitimately identified with the venture itself.</p><p></p><p>You can utilize these subjects as parts of the procedure examination. It is essential to choose points that are not legitimately identified with the task and afterward center around utilizing them to help improve your capacity to impart effectively.</p>
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sample of Argumentative Essay Examples
<h1>Sample of Argumentative Essay Examples</h1><p>For numerous understudies, when they compose pugnacious expositions they don't know how to approach discovering tests of factious article models. One path is to search for the sort of exposition that they are composing. Maybe they will go over an exposition with contentions by individuals who are contending against them. It helps on the off chance that they know a tad about legislative issues and human instinct to more readily see how political or individual contentions are probably going to work.</p><p></p><p>Most understudies are urged to get however many examples of pugnacious paper models as could reasonably be expected. Some will be formal contentions from educators or reading material. They ought to know this is the main way that they will have the option to peruse an assortment of models without losing all sense of direction in the group. Understudies need to recollect that there are su ch a large number of contentions for some random reason or position.</p><p></p><p>They ought to likewise be cautious about the amount of their exposition is composed from the perspective of those whose conclusion they are taking. They have to abstain from composing whatever isn't accurate. Likewise, they ought to never utilize generalizations, bogus realities, or falsehood. That may appear as though being excessively clear, however it is important for the understudy to realize that the person won't have the option to win each contention with any of these tactics.</p><p></p><p>Students ought to likewise consider what sort of peruser they will compose. Somebody who peruses articles for delight will peruse from an alternate perspective than somebody who is composing an exposition for a test. For a certain something, the understudy who is evaluating the paper won't utilize this feeling as a reason for passing judgment on the exposition's q uality. She will pass judgment on the exposition dependent on the nature of the contention and the nature of the writing.</p><p></p><p>The understudy who is composing the article must make a solid contention for their position. This implies the peruser will be taking the sentiment that underpins that position truly. In the event that an individual makes a contention that doesn't persuade the peruser, at that point the contention doesn't hold weight. The article needs to persuade the peruser that the contradicting view is mistaken.</p><p></p><p>What precisely is implied by tests of pugnacious exposition models? The models ought to have a political inclination. They ought to be contentions that include hypotheses and political methods of reasoning that are helpful in the story that they are telling.</p><p></p><p>The instances of factious article models ought to be short and brief. There is no compelling reason to peruse a long paper so as to get something. The thought is to take a concise outline of the contention and give a speedy review of the central matters, and afterward proceed onward to more detail.</p><p></p><p>Students who are perusing tests of pugnacious exposition models will think that its accommodating to follow the model. The model should guide them next. It will mention to them what the peruser should concentrate on. They ought not permit the author to leave them confounded with regards to what to center on.</p>
Saturday, May 23, 2020
College Essay Help
<h1>College Essay Help</h1><p>Many understudies are presently searching for an approach to set aside cash with regards to composing school papers. With paper help programs, article composing programming and the increasing expense of course readings, numerous individuals can't manage the cost of a quality essay.</p><p></p><p>Here are a few hints to assist you with figuring out how to set aside cash and make better papers. The primary thing that you have to do is locate the correct school paper available to be purchased. Most schools have explicit rules regarding how understudies can present their work for thought, however a total manual is more than what they are normally ready to provide.</p><p></p><p>One approach to get a total manual for school papers is to do a web search regarding the matter. You will presumably discover sites that offer free articles available to be purchased, however the quality may not be awesom e. The best technique is to go through the cash to get one of the significant books, or even compensation an expense for access to a considerable lot of the tips in the book. Probably the best expositions available to be purchased that you will discover are about research and authentic information.</p><p></p><p>Many of the school educators, who offer this administration, are proficient article essayist. They ought to have the option to assist you with whatever data you need. In the event that you pick a legitimate site, you will find that the assignments will be a lot more clear and to complete.</p><p></p><p>Another extraordinary asset for complete aides is to pursue a school's paper composing discussion. This is an extraordinary spot to meet different journalists who share your objectives. A significant number of these gatherings additionally incorporate a visit room where you can pose inquiries that you may have in regards to the acc ommodation process.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise utilize the Internet to discover online conversation sheets where you can meet others that are reading for school articles. The most significant thing that you have to recollect when composing your paper is to keep your own sentiments out of it.</p><p></p><p>Keep as a main priority that you are the one in particular who can choose how much data you need to incorporate. Nonetheless, utilizing the best possible guidelines will make it a lot simpler for you to finish the essay.</p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
How to Research Essay Topics
<h1>How to Research Essay Topics</h1><p>Essay themes are an incredible method to infuse some new idea into your proposition, or to investigate the ebb and flow issues confronting your industry. Probably the least demanding approaches to look into points for your exposition is by heading off to your school's library and acquiring a duplicate of the year's issues of the college's papers. You can locate an out and out, complete issue of the paper close to any segment of the school library, or you can utilize the paper's online archives.</p><p></p><p>While this choice won't really furnish you with momentum gives that legitimately relate to your theme, it will furnish you with the most recent research and news identified with your subject. The data you gain from checking in with your nearby papers can be utilized as reference material for your own examination, so it's an insightful speculation of time and money.</p><p></p><p&g t;Depending on the earnestness of your point, you may likewise need to look at some online papers for current issues on different subjects. In case you're composing an article about ecological concerns, natural issues could without much of a stretch relate to your exposition topic.</p><p></p><p>How could a subject like natural issues influence the grounds condition? From natural worries to building issues, numerous college libraries convey the most recent research nearby concerns and how these identify with the earth's understudies and personnel are attempting to protect.</p><p></p><p>Depending on the theme you're expounding on, you may likewise need to engage with the grounds paper, for example, Biomedical Engineering Issues, so as to accumulate data on bioengineering. Bioengineering incorporates a wide range of fields, and utilizing the issues of your neighborhood college paper is an incredible method to stay aware of advancements in extraordinary compared to other paying territories of the building field.</p><p></p><p>Another wellspring of data is utilizing the issues you may have encountered while managing your companions, and why you figure they don't pay attention to your difficult enough. On the off chance that the issues you experience while at school are ones you can identify with, for example, missing work or concentrating late, make a point to show them for future reference in your essay.</p><p></p><p>Make sure to incorporate the most momentum issues when your exposition is composed, particularly if your exploration depends intensely on existing examination or news. Expositions for your resume and scholastic record must be ebb and flow and precise, so make a point to incorporate later and pertinent data to the region of study that you're composing your paper for.</p><p></p><p>When doing research for your article, likewise make a po int to incorporate references and expert references. On the off chance that you don't have any hotspots for explicit data, you'll have to depend on your educator to assist you with discovering data that might be pertinent to your topic.</p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Social Commentary Topics For Your Blog
Social Commentary Topics For Your BlogSocial commentary is an interesting topic for those who are interested in getting started in the online marketing industry. There are many people who would like to make a living from blogging and it's often times said that if you can't make a profit with the things you blog about, you won't stick around very long. How does one get started on a great blog or get traffic to a blog that will draw in readers? For example, if you are blogging about an interest that you have and how the world can benefit from what you have to say, you are able to start your own online discussion board.You will find that the discussion forums on the Internet are used by millions of people all over the world and some of the best online internet discussion boards on the Internet are the ones that deal with social commentary topics. The quality of the articles and the comments should be relevant to the topic and the content should be good enough to get readers interested i n what you have to say. Some people don't think this is possible, but when they read how someone else makes money with the things they blog about, they will see that it is all possible with just a little help.The comment section of your blog or website is a great way to get started making money online and it's the first step in your career as a writer. Social commentary articles will have people reading your work and wanting to know more about what you have to say. Your information will have readers ready to pass on their contact information and they will also have made a connection with you.Some people will pay you for social commentary articles, but it is not something that you should have to do. You can use your blog to get feedback on things that are new to you and to interact with other bloggers in your niche. This can be a great way to network online and make contacts who will be able to help you when you want to create a new product or to start a new business.The reason that you should have more than one good blogs is because it allows you to blog about topics that may not be possible to cover as many topics. Instead of having one area for topics, you should create a large variety of them and then split the work up among them. By doing this, you can cover more topics with less time and you will get the job done faster and better.If you want to write professionally and you want to have more money than you can handle, you should consider using a professional writer to help you. It is the only way to get your writing style down and to get it right. When you hire a professional writer to create a blog for you, you will find that the content on your blog or website will be better and more informative than you can ever hope to be.If you are interested in starting your own blog, you should start creating a portfolio of some of your best work and you should ask some friends or relatives to give you a hand with the content of your blog. It will take some time to get everything written up but it will make you feel like you are earning something if you do it on your own. It is important to get everything you need and to make sure it is clear and concise. After all, you don't want to end up with a blog that is filled with words that are confusing and difficult to understand.Once you have a portfolio of your best work on social commentary topics, you should consider getting the help of a professional writer. If you plan on making money on the Internet with your blog, this is a very wise move. Make sure you use a professional writer and then keep it consistent and get it right.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Patient Turnover and Relationship System â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Patient Turnover and Relationship System. Answer: Introduction According to Adam (2016), philosophy of caring is the basic pillar of nursing profession. However, Adams (2016, pp: 01) have opined that, The attribute of caring is no longer a central theme to the nursing profession and has become only second nature to the busy, overworked nurse in a technologically dominated setting. The following essay aims to analyse to what extent this statement holds significance in nursing profession. Analysis of the validity of the statement will be done under the light of the Professional Code of Conduct of Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2017) along with detailed examination of related concept of care and importance of care in nursing profession and present day scenario. Towards the end the essay with put forward the conclusion stating to what extent the writer agrees or digresses with the above mentioned statement. The profession of nursing is the key healthcare profession. It has principal contribution towards the overall health and wellbeing of the patients. The concept of care in nursing profession generally deals with holistic care to the patients for fast recovery of the mental and physical health (Bodner et al., 2015). According to Oosterom-Calo Vice and Breslow (2015), apart from providing the medical care, it is also the duty of the nurse to make sure that the surrounding environment is suitable for fulfilling the comprehensive requirement of the patients thereby leading towards the physical wellbeing and mental satisfaction. Oosterom-Calo et al. (2015) further opined that the patients who are suffering from the prolong disease like cancer, demands certain level of emotional and spiritual support and it is the duty of the nurse to fulfil the spiritual requirement of the patients in order to promote speedy mental recovery which in turn positively impacts the physical health. Ramezani et al. (2014) has also spiritual care mode as one of the related concept of care in nursing profession. Spiritual care is regarded as a critical aspect of nursing care. This is because, the patients project nurses as the valuable source of the spiritual information and it is the duty of the nurse to be able to fulfil the spiritual requirement of the patients. However, in spite of increasing importance of spiritual care in the recent times, at present there are still certain level of ambiguities about in the nature and the associated components of the spiritual care (Ramezani et al. 2014). According to Lusk and Fater (2013), in order to optimally fulfill the physical, mental and spiritual requirement of the patients, it is the duty of the nurses to abide by person or patient centered care model. This care plan varies from person to person and is now gradually evolving as the principal mode of care plan among the nurses. Meaning of the term caring According to Adams (2016) the concept of caring varies from individual to individual. Adams (2016) have further defined the concept of caring as an altruistic act of feeling concerned for another person. Caring is the fundamental principal of the nursing profession as introduced by the Florence Nightingale. The caring in nursing profession has two main domains one act as a noun and other domain act as the verb that signifies the act of caring for unknown person when he or she is unable to take care for them (Adams 2016). Via procuring care, a nurse employs a genuine and authentic practice that is comprehensive and meaningful to both the patient and their family of cares (Adams 2016). This authentic practice is mainly based on the nurse knowledge base and the knowledge that arose from the interpersonal relationship between the nurse and patients. The concept propose by the Adams (2016) aligns with the Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia. According to the code of ethics nurse must v alue quality nurse care for all the patients irrespective of the diversity. Here quality nursing is acknowledged as accepting the accountability of the standards of the nursing care and taking reasonable actions as per the requirement. According to Adams (2016, pp: 01), The attribute of caring is no longer a central theme to the nursing profession and has become only second nature to the busy, overworked nurse in a technologically dominated setting. However, Entwistle and Watt (2013) is of the opinion that caring is an important aspect of nursing because it helps to improve the overall experience of patient in the process of delivering healthcare. The concept of caring, helps in the framing of the patient centred care plan. According to Kitson et al. (2013), patient centred care plan is one of the crucial parameter behind improvement of patients health and wellbeing. This again goes with the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia (2017) which vouches in favour of health and wellbeing of the patient. According to Rathert, Wyrwich and Boren (2013), patient centred care plan is a modified version behind the concept of nursing care and must be placed as the first preference in the nursing profession. The importance of the patient centred care plan is, it covers eight different aspects of patients care plan and this include respect towards patients preference, integration and co-ordination of care, education and information, optimal physical comfort, proper emotional support, adequate of the family members, friends and family in the decision making process, proper access to care and continuity and transition (Rathert, Wyrwich and Boren 2013). Moreover, optimal nursing care is also significant in the present day culturally diverse healthcare environment of Australia. According to Renzaho et al. (2013), culturally competent health care model promotes increase rate of awareness cultural awareness under the linguistically diverse environment and thereby preventing compromised patient-provider relationships which increasing patients health outcomes. This culturally competent care model again inclines with the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia (2017) which emphasize the importance of nursing practise in a culturally competent manner with due respect towards the cultural and ethnic values of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (indigenous population in Australia) Overworked nurse in technologically dominated settings According to Shanafelt et al. (2012) and Shanafelt et al. (2015) the majority of the nursing professionals are now suffering from burnout in comparison to any other profession in world. Shanafelt et al. (2012) have highlighted both the individual along with organizational factor as the reason behind this burnout. According to OMalley et al. (2010) and Holden (2011), the nurses are of the opinion that documentation of the patient information through computerized entry is the leading cause of the work overload leading to concentration distraction along with the decrease in compassionate care. Zhou et al. (2010) have opined that the concept of technological advancement in health care like application of the electronic health records have been introduced in the health care system has been introduced increase the quality of care along with patient safety. However, implementation of electronic health records has increased the clerical burden over the nursing and other health care professio nals and thus decreasing the quality of care. Active workload generated due to high requirement of data documentation has decreased the nurse-patient interaction along with potential distraction of the nursing professional from the quality medical practice. Dyrbye et al. (2012) have opined that this distraction is affecting the individualized quality of care (both emotional, spiritual and medical) that the nurses used to take in order to address the patient concerns. The majority of the hospitals are now using computerized transcription services in order to document patients notes and this have further increased the eel of burnout among the nursing professionals (Shanafelt et al., 2013). Shanafeltet al. (2016) have opined that implementation of the computerized documentations have forced the healthcare professionals to devote more time in clerical documentation in comparison to the critically analysis of the patients. According to Entwistle and Watt (2013), critical analysis of a pa tient is an important factor for stringently designing the person centred care plan. Person centred care plan is important crucial for improving the overall patient outcome as it is based on 8 crucial principles like respect of patients choices, proper co-ordination and integration of care, proper information and education about the patient, providing the patients physical comfort along with emotional support, encouraging active involvement of family in the patient care plan, continuity and transition of care and proper access to care (Entwistle and Watt 2013). The study conducted by Shultz and Holmstrom (2015) reported that technological advancement in the healthcare profession though has helped to increase the hourly volume of the patients attended but have decreased the quality of personalized care. According to Benner (2012), proper education and updated knowledge among the nursing professionals pave towards radical transformation. Benner (2012) further opined effective knowledge and nursing skills helps the nurses to practice in accordance with the prevailing health care standards while abiding by the health care policies. According to Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) (2017), it is the duty of the nurse to practice in accordance with the relevant laws of nursing profession. Moreover, proper education and training among the nursing professionals help in the improvement of the quality of care via decreasing the incidences of medication error and drug errors (Adhikari et al., 2014). Adhikari et al. (2014) is of the opinion that this nursing education and skills training must be undertaken under a multidisciplinary approach so that the nurses gets a diverse exposure in the different aspects of patient care plan like correct patient, right amount of drug, right perce ntage of dose, right span of time and right mode of administration. According to Park et al. (2012) Apart from patient care approach, nursing education also includes ethics education and this domain is highlight significant under the NMBA code of conduct (2017) which proposes nursing practice under proper reflective exposure undertaken through ethically sound framework Compassion and empathy in nursing care Nursing professional highlights holistic care to the overall health of the patients. This overall health of the patients encompasses both mental and physical health. Speedy recovery among the patients demands spiritual and emotional support from nurses and this support come in form of empathy and compassion (Jason, 2014). According to McCaffrey and McConnell (2015), compassion is a form of human experience and is of deep significance towards nursing care as its aims towards understanding the context of the healthcare environments which is ruled by rationalisation and efficiency. However, Bramley and Matiti (2014) are of the opinion that compassion in nursing is included with the actions of care which at times takes time. However, this domain needs to be fleeting in order to strengthen compassionate connection. In spite of urgent calls for high focus in the all domains of nursing education and teaching, the opinion of the patient was divided on whether compassion can be taught or rema ins a moral value. Gaining a proper understanding of the effect of uncompassionate actions in nursing care lays an opportunity to revamp both cultural and individual behaviours (Bramley and Matiti 2014). As per the NMBA code of conduct (2017), nurses are required to remain accountable and responsible for their actions. According to Batti and Steelman (2014), accountability or staying responsible for actions is an essential component of nursing care as it increases the level of patient safety. Oyetunde and Brown (2012) further opined that the primary healthcare nurses who are indulged directly with public are required to be cognizant about their public stand-point along with the level of accountability and responsibility on professional grounds. Trustworthy, Respect, Honest, Non-Judgmental, Integrity in nursing care All these five domains fall under the domain of safe and culturally competent nursing while valuing the diversity of the people and respecting their confidentiality (NMBA Code of Conduct, 2017). Here respect meaning respecting the dignity and the consent of the patients and this in turns goes with the concept of the informed decision-making. According to Barry and Edgman-Levitan (2012), informed decision-making is an important aspect of nursing care as it increases the involvement of the patient into the care plan and thereby increasing the level of outcomes. Moreover, informed decision-making is a pinnacle of patient centered care, which also helps in reducing the overall cost of care (Oshima and Emanuel, 2013). Trustworthiness increases the level of trust among the client-nurse relationship and thereby improving overall patient outcome (Park et al., 2012). According to Ramezani et al. (2014), non-judgmental and unconditional acceptance in nursing care helps in the improvement of sp iritual care in the nursing practice. Furthermore, spiritual care is dynamic and subjective concept. Ramezani et al. (2014) has defined this as unique aspect of care that incorporates all the other aspects of the care model. This concept has emerged under the context of nursing awareness of the transcendent dimensions of life and then critically reflects on reality of the patient. The provision for spiritual care leads towards the generation of positive consequences in patients health like healing for patients along with increase in the domain of spiritual awareness for nursing professional (Ramezani et al., 2014). Critical thinking and problem solving Critical thinking and problem solving is an important aspect of nursing profession as it helps to improve the decision making skills along with the leadership quality among the nursing professionals and thereby increasing the quality of care. According to Chan (2013), concepts of critical thinking changes, from time to time and thus there is an urgent need to clarify the perspective of the educators towards critical thinking and problem solving skills. There is also an urgent requirement to evaluate the new strategies towards the improvement of the critical thinking. With better understanding about the nursing education, educators along with nursing teachers are required to frame refine strategies towards enhancing critical thinking skills and in turn making them ready for clinical practice (Chan, 2013). According to Lee et al. (2013) application of the concept map helps in the overall improvement of the critical thinking skills among the nursing professionals and thereby helping to refine their problem solving skills and taking prompt actions. Mulnix (2012) further opined that evidence based practice among the nursing professionals help in the improvement of the critical thinking skills among the nursing professionals and thereby making them more proficient in the domain of active actions during emergencies. Conclusion Thus from the above discussion it can be concluded that caring is an important aspect of nursing profession. Caring does not only centres on providing quality health care for improvement of the patients physical health but also encompass proper assessment of mental health of the patients. Care in the domain of mental support deals generally deals emphasizes compassion and empathy along with exercising trustworthy and health relationship with the client. For drafting a comprehensive care plan, nurses must work on their critical think, problem-solving skills along with generating awareness under the domain of culturally competent care. However, increase in the application of technology-based documentation is creating a barrier towards the nursing professional to indulge in quality relationship with their client via practicing communication and intra-personal skills. This increase in the documentation is increasing extra clerical work load of the healthcare professionals thereby shiftin g the focus of the healthcare professionals from the care plan drafting towards technology based applications. References Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., Mashiah, M., Segal, M., Grinshpoon, A., Fischel, T., Iancu, I. (2015). The attitudes of psychiatric hospital staff toward hospitalization and treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder.BMC psychiatry,15(1), 2. Ramezani, M., Ahmadi, F., Mohammadi, E., Kazemnejad, A. (2014). Spiritual care in nursing: a concept analysis.International nursing review,61(2), 211-219. Adams, L. Y. (2016). The conundrum of caring in nursing.International Journal of Caring Sciences,9(1), 1. Entwistle, V. A., Watt, I. S. (2013). Treating patients as persons: a capabilities approach to support delivery of person-centered care.The American Journal of Bioethics,13(8), 29-39. Shanafelt, T. D., Boone, S., Tan, L., Dyrbye, L. 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